Working Clappr/m3u8/hls Player for Blogger Blogspot

Updated on August 22, 2021

If you wanted to have your own player inside your Blogger or Blogspot, then, you can use the Clappr player below. It is working? Yes it is! As a proof, you can also a live sample of an m3u8 link that plays inside our Clappr player. Will the player load or play in mobile devices? Absolutely, yes! It is free? Definitely, yes! No need to buy a player that will ask you to pay monthly or annually. This Clappr player is just as simple as copy and paste player. That's it!

Table of Contents: 

👉 Copying the Clappr player code

👉 Making a post

👉 Pasting the Clappr player code inside post

👉 Placing the M3u8 link inside the code

👉 Saving the post

👉 Testing the working player

Working Clappr/m3u8/hls Player for Blogger Blogspot

As you can see, is a website made up of Blogger platform. So, if you are also a Blogger or Blogspot user, then, this player code will also work 100% for your own.

👉 First, copy the given code below.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<div id="oper"></div>

<div id="vid"></div>


 player = new Clappr.Player({


 mimeType: "application/x-mpegURL",

 autoPlay: true, 

 height: "400",

 width: "100%",

 plugins: {"core": [LevelSelector]}, 

 parentId: "#vid"});


👉 Second, Paste the code inside your Blogger Post/Article (whatever). Make sure to switch from Compose to HTML first before pasting, otherwise, the code won't work for your site. 

☑ source: change this to your own m3u8 link

☑ height: you can change this to change the height of your player

☑ autoPlay: you can change this to false if you want the live stream not to play automatically

Important note: If your blogspot or website is in https, then, do not paste a m3u8 link that is in http only. It won't play.

👉 Now, save your post and done!

See live sample below:

Red Bull TV live stream // HLS link:

Fashion TV live stream // HLS link:
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