How to add View Count or Hit Counter for each post in Blogger
For this post, I will show you how to individually add a hit count or view counter for your Blogger or BlogSpot posts.
Table of Contents:
👉 Creating the code or script
👉 Copying the script
👉 Pasting the script
👉 Saving the script
👉 Viewing a live hit counter for a single post
How to add View Count or Hit Counter for each post in Blogger
👉 STEP 1 - Visit FreeHostedScript website.
👉 STEP 2 - In the Tracking Scripts, press Text Hit Counter.
👉 STEP 3 - For the Style, select Text. In the Text after your hit numbers, type the word "times." And in the Starting number, type 0. Now, press the Generate the html code button to continue.
👉 STEP 4 - Copy the generated code.
👉 STEP 5 - In your Blogger, click New Post.
👉 STEP 6 - From Compose View, switch to HTML View.
👉 STEP 7 - Type "This post has been read " and then paste the code from Save your work and see your newly installed View Counter for that particular post only.
👉 STEP 8 - Done! See a LIVE SAMPLE of this tutorial below this post.
Important Note:
👉 As I mentioned earlier, the code you just created from will only work for a single post or article where you put it. You need to create another code for another post so that it will also have its own Hit Counter.
👉 Cons: If you already have hundreds or even thousands of posts already, then, I don't think you will want to edit so many posts just to install the script. Maybe, you can install the script in just new posts.
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