How to Remove Blogger URL Parameter (m=1)

Updated on August 22, 2021
Removing blogger m=1
Blogger URL parameter (m=1) is the URL parameter that Blogger uses automatically to activate blogger conditional tags on mobile mode.
This trick is commonly referred to as "Clean URL" (neutralizes sitelinks that bloggers change automatically, and returns them to normal).
This tutorial will be needed when we want the appearance of the Blog URL (Blogger / blogspot) to be like most websites in general. No frills or parameter attributes after the domain name when it is accessed by a visitor .. both on desktop and mobile mode!
Ok, just get on with it ..
The following is How to Remove Blogger URL Parameters (m=1), when accessed via mobile I mean:

Steps to remove the Blogspot URL parameter (m=1) when accessed by mobile

  1. Login to
  2. Go to Themes > (⋮)> Edit HTML
  3. Then, look for the <head> tag and save the following JavaScript code right after / below it:
<script>var uri=window.location.toString();if(uri.indexOf("?m=1","?m=1")>0){var clean_uri=uri.substring(0,uri.indexOf("?m=1"));window.history.replaceState({},document.title,clean_uri)}</script>
4. Save changes
Now try to access our blog URL via a smartphone / mobile browser .. 
Good luck
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